
Game configuration is stored into and loaded from a YAML file located at {user_conf_dir}/DigitalExtinction/conf.yaml. {user_conf_dir} is obtained with dirs::config_dir() and conforms to the following table:

Linux$XDG_CONFIG_HOME or $HOME/.config/home/alice/.config
macOS$HOME/Library/Application Support/Users/Alice/Library/Application Support

Configuration YAML

All properties in the YAML tree are optional, default values are used instead. Missing configuration YAML file is treated equally to an empty YAML file, id est as if all properties are missing.

  • multiplayer (object) – multiplayer and network configuration.
    • lobby (string; default: – lobby server base URL.
    • connector (string; default: – DE Connector main server socket address. It must be valid IPv4 or IPv6 address.
  • camera (object) – in-game camera configuration.
    • move_margin (f32; default: 40.0) – horizontal camera movement is initiated if mouse is withing this distance in logical pixels to a window edge. It must be a finite positive number.
    • min_distance (f32; default: 20.0) – minimum camera distance from the terrain. It must be a finite number larger or equal to 10.0.
    • max_distance (f32; default: 80.0) – maximum camera distance from the terrain. It must be a finite number larger or equal to min_distance and smaller or equal to 300.0.
    • wheel_zoom_sensitivity (f32; default: 1.1) – camera to terrain distance scale factor used during mouse wheel zooming. The distance is changed to current_distance * wheel_zoom_sensitivity (zoom out) or current_distance / wheel_zoom_sensitivity (zoom in) with each mouse wheel tick. It must be a finite number larger than 1.0.
    • touchpad_zoom_sensitivity (f32; default: 1.01) – camera to terrain distance scale factor used during touchpad zooming. The distance is changed to current_distance * touchpad_zoom_sensitivity (zoom out) or current_distance / touchpad_zoom_sensitivity (zoom in) with each pixel movement. It must be a finite number larger than 1.0.
    • rotation_sensitivity (f32; default: 0.008) – multiplicative factor used during camera tilting and rotation. Mouse drag by delta logical pixels leads to the change of elevation and azimuth by delta * rotation_sensitivity radians. It must be a positive finite number.
    • scroll_inverted (bool; default: false) – if true, mouse wheel and touchpad scrolling is inverted.
  • audio (object) – audio configuration.
    • master_volume (f32; default: 1.0) – sets the master volume of all audio. It must be a finite number between 0.0 and 1.0. If set to 0 no audio will play.
    • sound_volume (f32; default: 1.0) – sets the SFX volume. It must be a finite number between 0.0 and 1.0. If set to 0 sound effects will not play.
    • music_volume (f32; default: 1.0) – sets the music volume. It must be a finite number between 0.0 and 1.0. If set to 0 music will not play.

Example Configuration

  lobby: ''
  connector: ''
  move_margin: 40.0
  min_distance: 20.0
  max_distance: 80.0
  wheel_zoom_sensitivity: 1.1
  touchpad_zoom_sensitivity: 1.1
  rotation_sensitivity: 0.01
  scroll_inverted: false
  master_volume: 1.0
  sound_volume: 1.0
  music_volume: 1.0